Steve's Four Food Groups

I get no respect. My son and wife have accused me of trying to change the four food groups. Both have stated that my four food groups are green chili peppers, cream cheese, Pico de Gallo, and pepper jack cheese. Both of you are wrong I reply. You forgot about the root beer and orange zest, oh and the instant espresso powder like in the cookies and soon to be posted chocolate cake with espresso frosting and espresso brownies.

As I pour though some of my recipes to prove them wrong a pattern soon emerges that dang it supports their comments. Yes I am guilty, but I love my four food groups like a favorite T-shirt. I even create recipes and sneak them in without their knowledge. I try to expand my horizons by using other ingredients, but find myself reverting back to my old ways.

In my defense of acting as my own lawyer, I tell them that my four food groups are just as healthy as the basic four. I get no reply in words, but only Christmas Grinch like cartoon grins followed by sly laughter.

So I apologize to all of you visiting this website that I use my favorite food groups so much. Actually let me restate that, I’m not going to apologize. I have a passion for my FOUR food groups and dang it, I’m going to run with it. In fact I’m going to run with scissors.