Winter 2019 was the snow shovel, much nicer using the summer rake.



Welcome, my name is Steve Warrey, I am a stay at home dad. I started taking over the cooking so that my wife Dee Dee didn’t have to worry about fixing dinner after a long days work.

Dee Dee started taking all the extra food to work with the phrase “guess what Steve Made”. Then the requests started coming in for more. So after all the encouragement from family and friends to start a cookbook or website, Steve Made Cooking website was born.

I like to create unique recipes that put a different twist on already good food.

The recipes on this website have been tested and retested. Definitely, tried and true recipes you can trust.

One thing I take great pride in is keeping this website AD FREE. No annoying ads or pop-ups. Also no pop- ups asking to sign up for an email subscription.

No having to scroll down forever of pictures of different stages of the recipe to actually finally find the recipe! It’s all for fun of cooking. That’s what cooking websites should be about.

Visit again, will be posting new recipes in the future.

Thank you for visiting and most of all enjoy the food.