Leftover Turkey Dinner Open Face Sandwich, Stuffing Waffle


  • 1 cup stuffing, cooked leftovers

  • 2/3 cup mash potato, cooked leftovers

  • 1/2 cup gravy

  • 2 slices turkey, cooked leftovers

  • 2-3 dashes of cayenne powder

  • 1 slice bacon, cooked, chopped

  • 1/3 cup cranberry sauce


1. Preheat oven to 350 degrees F. Preheat waffle iron, spray one section on waffle iron with non stick cooking spray (this recipe is based on one 5 inch x 4 1/2 inch waffle).

2. Add stuffing to the sprayed section of the waffle iron and securely close lid. Cook for 10 minutes or until crispy browned.

3. Remove waffle to an oven proof plate. Top waffle with mash potato making sure edges are built up, then top with gravy. Top with turkey slices, then top with the rest of the gravy. Sprinkle cayenne powder over the top, then top with the bacon.

4. Bake for 15 minutes or until warmed through to your liking. Remove plate from oven and serve with cranberry sauce on the side.

Note: You can modify this recipe to the type of waffle maker you have by just making sure the stuffing is about 1/2 inch thick when adding it to the waffle iron. You want the stuffing to be slightly on the wet side. If the stuffing is dry, rehydrate with some chicken broth.