Dee Dee's Funny Potato Salad Recipe

8   Pounds of russet potatoes

1   Dozen Large eggs hard boiled

1   Large yellow onion diced

6   Stalks of celery de-ribbed

10 Medium kosher dill pickles cubed

3  Cups real mayonnaise

2  Yellow mustard squirts around the bowl

Pickle juice

Sea Salt

Cracked Black Pepper

Garlic salt

1  Extra Large cooking pot

1  Extra Large Mixing Bowl

1  Set of strong arms for stirring all this up!

 Disclaimer:  I don’t measure.  I’ve never even tried to write this down before but it’s an easy recipe and is mostly “To Taste.”  If you don’t like a lot of onion, cut back.  If you like those tough stringy things on the celery don’t peel them off. If you don’t like regular Mayo, TOUGH!  Miracle whip is not part of this salad.  (Hey I did say Mostly) Some of my explanations for preparation are to get a visual. If you can’t get the visual ask a 5 year old… they get it.

Rinse potatoes clean and remove any blemishes on the skin.

Boil potatoes and eggs in the Extra Large pot.  Eggs need to be hard boiled and Potatoes should be tender but not falling apart.  Let them cool or you will be playing Hot Potato for real. Peel the skin off the potatoes or leave it on, either way it works just fine!   Cut potatoes into small bite size squares.  Peel and chop boiled eggs.  Dice the Onion and cut Pickles and Celery into small chunks.

With the exception of the pickle juice & seasonings, throw everything into a huge mixing bowl and find those strong arms to gently stir everything together.

Add the seasonings in small increments until it tastes good.  *Note:  Easy on the pickle juice… A splash goes a long way! 

Cover bowl with plastic wrap and refrigerate for several hours to let all the flavors blend together.  Find a Victim Volunteer to sample … if it’s dry add more mayo.  If it’s bland add… whatever! 

It’s even better the next day!   Enjoy.     :o)   Dee Dee

I love it, it’s funny, like trying to get a recipe from a relative that has always made their recipe from memory. I think we all know someone like that. A Mother, Aunt, or Grandma etc. No need or time to really measure anything, it’s just eyeballing ingredients. It’s a dab, squirt, or chunk of this or that. No real directions, you just do stuff. It’s not rocket surgery!

If you have someone in your family that makes a favorite dish of yours like this. Consider it like an oral history or tradition. Sit down with them and write down how they prepare their recipe, before it’s lost to time. Even if it’s a funny way to do it. And once you have their recipe in your collection, it will make you smile and laugh. Especially if it brings back memories of spending time together with them. Comfort food at it’s best!