Alchemy In Motion A True Story

It started with sharing my recipe for S’mores Brownies on Delilah’s (the radio personality) Facebook page. I worked hard writing up the recipe and explaining how to get the top marshmallows browned just right by using the broiler element on the oven. Everything was set and the recipe with a picture was posted. But then the embarrassing thing happened. In the comment section someone asked how much flour does the recipe take. I looked over the recipe and sure enough, I forgot the amount of flour. Well of course without the flour that changes the outcome tremendously, it would have been called smores brownie soup. So one small ingredient in a recipe just like alchemy can change the motion of the outcome. 

When you think about it, isn’t cooking really alchemy? We start to make a cake of semi wet batter of eggs, flour, baking soda and baking powder etc. and we bake it. And just like alchemy using base elements it’s transformed into something different. Something magical! 

After writing up many recipes now, I have undue respect for people who write cookbooks or maintain established cooking websites, it’s a lot of work. I will cook and write more recipes though, I enjoy it and the funny challenges that come with it.